Want proof that we have the biggest collection in town?
Have a look at the images below at just some of enormous music collection!
In the above photo, the shelves down the right-hand side and across the back are full of vinyl LPs from the early 50’s thru to 1990 plus there are 12 inch vinyl singles from the late 70’s thru to mid 90’s, while the CDs are in the 4 rows of shelves to the left. We have over 120,000 tracks of every different music type and style from all musical eras in our Music Library.
Here is the overall view as you stand in the doorway of my Music Room. There are shelves and racks and cases of CDs (and quite a few vinyl records) filling all four sides of the room.
A closer view of the work table in the middle of the room with two black cases containing about 300 “Best Of” & “Greatest Hits” albums from the most popular 70’s & 80’s artists.
Once you enter the Music Room, up against the wall to your left is this set of shelves. In the boxes at the top are various collections of music for a dozen or so different ethnic groups – Greek, Italian etc etc. (See close up below this photo). Under those boxes on that top shelf are collections of CDs of swing, jazz, “big band” and other “Nostalgia” type music from the mid 1920s thru to the late 1950’s, plus more modern jazz/swing styles – Michael Bublé, David Campbell, Norah Jones, and many more.
Then as you move past that first set of shelves to your left, on the next wall is another set of shelves on top of a glass cabinet. On top of this set of shelves are about 70 Karaoke DVDs, but the rest of that set of shelves and the glass cabinet underneath contain almost 1,000 CD albums.
Under that trestle table are another 5 cases of CDs. 4 of them contain a total of around 1,100 RNB, Pop & Dance CD singles from 1990 to 1996, all with extended mixes & all sorted into BPM order from 67bpm thru to 160bpm. The 5th case is a specific “Weddings” case. It contains about 60 CD compilation albums of love songs & ballads suitable for Weddings and over 100 CD singles, also of love songs & ballads suitable for Weddings.
As you continue around the room, the 4th wall has a large set of shelves with the bottom two of its rows of shelves containing about 1,000 of my favourite vinyl LP albums from the mid 1950’s to 1990 when they stopped making vinyl albums in Australia. Under the LPs are 5 crates of my absolute favourite 12 inch vinyl singles of the late 70’s to now.
Above those records are 3 more rows of shelves separated down the middle by a piece of timber. On the top shelf to the left of that timber divider are lots of boxed sets of CDs, then under those the next shelf contains another 50 or 60 Karaoke DVDs, plus the next shelf down contains about 90 Karaoke VCDs & CDG CDs.
To the right of that biggest set of shelves is a chest of drawers with 7 drawers full of over 2,000 CD singles.
Upstairs in my rumpus room is my huge collection of over 4,000 7 inch 45rpm vinyl singles & EPs from 1956 up to to 1990 when all the major record companies stopped pressing vinyl records in Australia. Each of these plastic containers has 210 to 220 singles in it. The different colours of the plastic containers represent different eras.
Also up in my rumpus room is a complete DJ console with 2 x Technics SL1200 turntables, a Gemini 8 channel DJ mixer with sampler and a Pioneer CMX3000 twin CD player, plus a microphone & set of DJ headphones. So I hope you can see that I truly am a “real” DJ 🙂 And so are ALL of my other DJs!