
We know for a fact that the DJ IS THE ABSOLUTE KEY to the success of ANY function –

So we only employ BY FAR the best and most experienced DJs in Melbourne to perform at YOUR party or function, because unlike ALL, repeat ALL the other companies’ DJs, our DJs are ALL “real” DJs. Let us explain to you just EXACTLY WHAT WE MEAN by that, so please read on.

How good ANY mobile disco & DJ hire company can be is determined by just TWO THINGS – the skills & experience of its DJs, combined with the quality of the mobile disco sound and lighting equipment they give their DJs to use. ANY DJ (no matter how skilled he/she is) can ONLY EVER do as good a job as the quality of the disco equipment that he is given to use WILL ALLOW him to do. That is why we ONLY employ genuine pub/club experienced Disc Jockeys, who have all worked as resident DJ’s in Melbourne bars/clubs for a MINIMUM of 3 years.

These are DJs that the general public have actually PAID to gain admission to a venue to be able to see them perform. And that is precisely why we call them “real” DJs, or “proper” DJs. If they can make customers want to stay at a venue for a couple of hours (or more), when those customers are PAYING to get in, and PAYING for every drink, then these DJs are CLEARLY VERY GOOD at what they do.

Unfortunately, most other companies mobile DJs are ALL , again we repeat ALL, what we call “hobby” DJs, (or even worse, “apprentice” DJs) who have NEVER EVER worked in ANY venue where people have actually PAID to go in and see them perform, plus they ALL have VERY small, VERY limited music collections and unfortunately VERY limited music knowledge, and in most cases they also have VERY little actual DJ experience, having only ever worked just as a mobile DJ at possibly only a handful of functions.

The first HUGE ADVANTAGE “real” DJs have over ALL the other disco companies “hobby” DJs is that ALL of our “real” DJs have MUCH LARGER MUSIC COLLECTIONS than all the other companies “hobby” mobile DJs have. So of course our “real” DJs music collections also contain A MUCH GREATER VARIETY of music from ALL ERAS – from this week’s Top 100 tracks (including all the latest Pop, Rock, Dance, Club & RnB songs), plus all the more than 3,000 Top 100 hits (once again all varieties – Pop, Rock, Dance, Club & RnB songs) of the past 10 years back to Y2K, then all the 90’s & 80’s Top 40 hits and club tracks, plus all the 70’s and 60’s classics, even right back to all the “Rock n Roll” hits of the mid to late 50’s. A “real” DJ knows that he NEEDS to have this HUGE RANGE OF MUSIC in order to be able to please ANY & ALL age groups.

As well as all the “radio Top 40” type hits of the past 55 years or so, our “real” DJs also have ALL the Club hits, not just from the past 10 years or so, but right from the start of the “Disco Era” when Melbourne’s first nightclubs “Silvers” and “The Love Machine” opened in 1974, and then thru all the 80’s & 90’s right up to this week in 2014 – so our “real DJs” have ALL the disco and funk club hits from the mid 70’s to the early 80’s when the first “house” music emerged, and then ALL the “house” and “commercial dance” club tracks from the early 80’s to now – YES – we’ve got them ALL. Nearly all the other disco companies very young, very inexperienced DJs DON’T have ANY of these “Club” hits of the mid-70’s right thru the 80’s & the 90’s – in fact they HAVEN’T EVEN HEARD of most of them!

For 60th and 70th birthdays & occasions like Golden Weddings (as well as to be able to provide music for various “theme nights”) we also have built up a big company library of “Nostalgia” music of the 30’s, 40’s & early 50’s – swing, big band, jazz etc & including all the so-called “crooners” – Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Perry Como, Dean Martin etc for those who ask us for those eras. We wouldn’t expect even our oldest DJs to own this sort of music, so we have bought it all to be able to loan that music to our DJs whenever needed. We even have music from the 1920’s in our library & recently used that music collection for a big corporate “1920’s Gangster Theme” party for 500 guests at “Carousel” on Albert Park Lake.

SECONDLY, our “real” DJs have MUCH BETTER actual DJ skills than any of the other companies “hobby” DJs have. One skill our “real” DJs ALL have that “hobby” DJs DON’T is that “real” DJs can ALL beat-mix, for the MANY occasions where that is a HUGELY important advantage – like school socials or school formals, Uni balls and other uni functions, 16th thru to 30th birthdays, engagements, sports club presentations – ANY occasion where a lot of the guests are aged from the teens to late 30’s and are therefore used to hearing their favourite music properly mixed by the DJs in pubs/bars/clubs they go out to as well as on CDs like the Ministry Of Sound series etc. Be warned – most mobile DJs CAN’T mix – they just play songs randomly one after the other like daytime radio – and that’s NOT real DJing! We could teach your Mum to just plonk songs on like that in 10 minutes!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Beat-mixing is NOT something new that has only just emerged in the last 10 years. In Australia, DJs in clubs (that is, “real” DJs) have been beat-mixing since the first 12 inch (30cm) vinyl singles came out in the late 70’s – so “real” DJs have been “mixing” for over 30 years!! This means that even today’s 50 year olds will have experienced DJs “beat-mixing” if they went clubbing when they were in their late teens/early 20’s.

Plus ALL our “real” DJs have an instinctive feel for music, a kind of “sixth sense”, that enables them to look at your request list & then turn it into something that just flows by INSTINCTIVELY KNOWING which songs will go together. So our DJs DON’T just “plonk” your requests on in any random order like ALL the other companies “hobby” DJs do.

And that “sixth sense” is not something you can EVER train a DJ to have, like many DJ company web-sites try to make you believe with statements such as “our DJs have all undergone extensive training”. That’s pure crap! All they can be taught is how to put the disco system together and the right buttons to push to make the music actually play. No matter how much so-called “training” or practising any “apprentice DJ” does, and no matter how many years experience any “hobby DJ” claims to have, they cannot EVER develop this “sixth sense” – THIS FEEL FOR MUSIC IS PURE INSTINCT – either you are BLESSED to have been BORN WITH IT or you will just NEVER EVER have it – & sadly 95 per cent of mobile DJs DO NOT have it. It’s similar to the way a few people can draw or paint really well, but most of us can’t – and no amount of training can ever teach someone to actually draw or paint any better – it’s all pure instinct, just like being a “real” DJ is.

And of course our “real” DJs all have MUCH greater music knowledge than the typical mobile DJ, who is basically still LEARNING to be a DJ by practising on YOU & your guests. This is the type of DJ ALL of the other companies generally employ. The main reason for that is we KNOW FOR A FACT that they know they can pay this type of “hobby” DJ up to $130/$140 less than we pay to get our pub/club experienced “real” DJs – and that means all these other companies can EASILY charge you as much as $100 LESS than us, yet still make $30/40 more profit for their company AFTER their DJ has been paid. But hopefully most people are smart enough to know that you can have GOOD, and you can have CHEAP, but to believe you can get GOOD & CHEAP TOGETHER is like believing there are fairies living at the bottom of your garden!

Several disco companies (we won’t name them, but you can find out who quite easily) actually OFFER you the choice of what they openly admit is a trainee “apprentice DJ”, for a further $50 to $60 less than their standard “hobby DJ” price. Unfortunately trainee “apprentice DJs” like these WILL – that’s not maybe, but definitely WILL – totally ruin your important occasion. To hire one of these disco companies is like deliberately setting out to sabotage your own function!